Dear Our Valued Guest, In order to make your International Arrival process with Indonesia’s Custom faster and more comfortable please feel free to follow the steps below.
- Click here or scan the QR Code below to be directed to Indonesia’s Customs Website
- Follow the steps and fill in your details accordingly
- At the end of the process, you will receive a QR Code (make sure to save this on your phone)
- Present the QR Code to the Custom Agent to be scanned after Immigration
Please keep in mind a couple of Notes below
- These steps can be filled two days in advance from your arrival.
- If you are travelling with other people, you only need to fill in the form once as long as you mentioned the amount of people travelling with you on your submission.
- These steps are mandatory for all International Passengers entering Bali Island.
Thank you and look forward to seeing you very soon.
Warmest Regards,
From all of us here at Astagina Resort Villa and Spa
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